Federal Legislation to Insure Services to PWD and Elderly During Disasters



Action Alert!
Ask Congress to Sign-on as Original Cosponsors to Bills Protecting the Rights of Disaster-Impacted People with Disabilities 


The Fed Disaster Relief Inclusive Legislation for PWD and Elderly Action Alert June 10thAmerican Association of People with Disabilities is working with the Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies (the Partnership) on two historic pieces of disability and disaster legislation that will dismantle barriers faced by people with disabilities, older adults, and Medicaid eligible people impacted by disasters. These bills should improve outcomes throughout disasters and increase resources for disability organizations, emergency managers and local communities.

The Real Emergency Access for Aging and Disability Inclusion for Disasters Act (REAADI) and the Disaster Relief Medicaid Act (DRMA) was introduced into both the Senate and the House of Representatives on June 10th.

Real Emergency Access for Aging and Disability Inclusion for Disasters Act (REAADI):

  • Ensures there is a strong disability and older adult voice throughout the preparation, response, recovery, and mitigation of disasters,
  • Includes universal design and visibility standards, as well as reasonable accommodation before, during and after disasters,
  • Establishes a National Commission on Disability Rights and Disasters with a focus on:
    • accessible communication,
    • protection of civil rights,
    • accessible transportation and evacuation, and
    • accessible shelter, health and medical services;
  • Creates a network of disaster and disability centers focused on training, technical assistance, and research to assist states and localities to better include and support disaster-impacted people with disabilities, older adults and others who also have access needs;
  • Directs the Government Accountability Office to review the spending of disaster funds by federal agencies and states to ensure funds have been spent in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Creates a competitive grant program to pilot strategies for greater inclusion of people with disabilities, older adults and people with access needs throughout disaster preparation, response, recovery, and mitigation;
  • Requires the Department of Justice to examine how the civil rights of people with disabilities and older adults are or are not upheld during and following disasters; and
  • Establishes a role for Centers for Independent Living throughout local disaster preparedness, response and recovery.

To find out more about REAADI check out Senator Casey’s One page Summary.

Disaster Relief Medicaid Act (DRMA):

  • Provides uninterrupted access to Medicaid services when recipients must evacuate across state lines, increasing health maintenance and community living and preventing institutionalization during disasters.
  • Helps states meet the needs of Relief-Eligible Survivors through a limited time one hundred percent federal match for displaced individuals,
  • Provides technical assistance and support to develop innovative state strategies to respond to an influx of out-of-state individuals.
  • Creates a grant to help states develop an emergency response corps to provide home and community-based services.
  • Guarantees that a 100 percent federal matching payment for medical assistance is provided to states in disaster areas.

To find out more about DRMA, check out Senator Casey’s One Page Summary.

Take action now!

  • Reach out to your Senators and Representatives and ask them to support REAADI and DRMA 
  • Express organizational support for REAADI and DRMA
    • Go to https://reaadi.com/take-action-now/ for information and templates.
    • Email dart@disasterstrategies.org with your organization’s name and a short statement indicating support for REAADI and DRMA,

For more information on REAADI and DRMA, check out www.reaadi.com.

You can sign up for notifications on REAADI and DRMA and request additional information and advocacy support!